Friday, December 16, 2011

Clever Logos (11/29/11)

The Sew Perfect logo is clever in its play on words and how its conveyed in the actual logo. The subtle lettering in the image of the thread and needle makes this an ideal logo. It's simple but ingenious. 

Mood- Conveying (11/17/11)

There is no order yet the chaos of the statck of cookies is welcoming. It also stands in contrast to the horizontal plane of the plate and the countertop.

The above is a drawing of a 4 yr old. An interesting mood is conveyed, unintentionally, by the random lines that comprise the flower vase. It could be described as conveying anger... but honestly, it is just the innocent scribbles of a toddler.

Line Types (11/15/11)

Line Type: Actual
obvious stripes within the material

Line Type: Implied Line
created by the intermittent points by the 2 colors weaved together (hard to see due to quality of the picture); lines created vertically, horizontally, and diagonally depending on perspective

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Logo Design (11/10/11)

The above is the iconic logo of Apple. I thought the logo was a good design because it's simple but still widely recognized even without the name of the company being present. The logo has evolved throughout the duration of the company, which is another positive aspect. The newest version is modern and more relevant to the time.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mercer Global Health (11/8/11)

The following are key words from Mercer's Global Health statement and visual representations of these key words.




