Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Types of Design (8/25/11)

The following is an example of a geometric design piece. This type of design is characterized by the repetitive use of geometric shapes to create a final work of art. The compilation of simple geometric shapes creating a larger piece is what defines a work to be a geometric design.

The image below of the hibiscus flower is an example of naturalistic design. Unlike the digitally created image above, the image of the flower is a photograph. Design is not term that is solely used to one medium of art. The central focus of this photograph being the single flower and the details of the hibiscus makes this photo fall in the naturalistic design category.

The following image is an example of an abstract design piece. There is not set shape to the components of this work. The collection of odd figures in this piece come together as one to evoke a larger feeling. This piece does not fall into other categories of design, and is unique in the characteristics it possesses. Hence, it is defined to be an abstract design piece.

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